Justin and I connected on Instagram because we were both diagnosed with Diffuse Large B Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and shared the same timeline of events including treatments, diagnosis and remission during Corona. He also went an autologous stem cell transplant and is one of the very few people that I personally know who shares the exact same cancer diagnosis and treatment regimen. Although we have embarked on a similar journey, every cancer patient's story comes with its unique experiences, which is why I believe in the importance of diversifying the stories so that more voices are represented within the cancer community. That is why I invited Justin to share his story by answering a few questions below.
Me: Tell me about yourself
Hi I am Justin. I was born in Australia and grew up in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne near the country side. I am currently 37 years old. I love the Ocean, Nature, Reading, being Philosophical, Esoteric, Active, Travelling, Camping, risking more in life and living to the fullest.
I was diagnosed mid 2020 with Stage 4 Agressive Non Hodgkins Lymphoma Large Diffused B Cell. When I heard this diagnosis, the feeling that I had in that moment was: "Is this where I start saying goodbye to everyone? Is this where it all ends?"
Me: Could you walk us through your timeline of your treatment (number of chemo rounds, surgery, current status (remission etc...)
6 rounds of Rchop
3 Higher dose Chemos
1 pre stem cell transplant chemo (the strongest one that was offered)
20+ Platelets top ups
20+ blood top ups
Failed surgery to remove the spleen (the mass was in the way and covered a large area)
In remission since September 2021
Me: How has cancer changed you?
Its changed me a lot. Like going full 180 degrees from the person who I was before, to who I am becoming. It has taught me to reconstruct my life, find myself (inward journey) to why this disease came about and what needed to change. It has provided me with an abundant amount of knowledge and wisdom of the human body and us "Human Beings" and why we are here and who we are. It's definitely changed the way I live life, because if you continue to repeat the same ways of living that bought the disease on in the first place, then why would you repeat the same patterns? The same toxic traits? The same environment? The same routine? The same everything literally. It's like you have to re-arrange all the pieces in your life and dissect it and really reflect, heal, sit with yourself, forgive, accept what you had, release all the emotions, everything. I took a year off doing anything after stem cell transplant because I was guided to and it's the only way to quieten the noise and eliminate distractions to really dig deep and bring to the surface the traumas and understand the journey you just had and went through and figure out why did this happen to me?
Me: How has spirituality/ God played a role in your cancer journey?
Spirituality is a journey of self discovery on a soul/spirit level. Before my cancer diagnosis, I was all about sound healing and discovered it couple of years ago. So being isolated and not distracted going through my treatment, I sat with myself and asked for guidance on what else can I do to help me heal. When you understand how quantum physics/sacred geometry works and how it's embedded into every living organism, etc you can then understand how powerful you are as a human being. Going through cancer with spirituality playing a part has really healed me through my journey as I also prayed every night and spoke victory, love and healing over myself throughout my treatment. So I believe that everything happens for a reason and that we have the power to change our current situations, no matter how hard it does seem. You are a powerful being and you can literally shift your reality to how you want to live. Faith over sight. Love over everything. Speak words of love over yourself daily.
"When I heard this diagnosis, the feeling that I had in that moment was: "Is this where I start saying goodbye to everyone? Is this where it all ends?"
Me: What is one piece of advice you would give to newly diagnosed cancer patients?
No matter what the diagnosis the doctors, specialists provide you with; no matter the ultimatum, the prognosis, or information such as you only have such and such to live, don't let their words have ANY power over you. The only words that have power over you is your own words. Filter out what they say, accept that you have a disease, love yourself and forgive yourself. Don't ever give up on faith or hope. Sit with yourself and just show yourself LOVE because LOVE is the most powerful frequency in the universe. Try not get to involved in the outside world, because the disease is telling something and it requires complete attention and understanding so you need peace and eliminate all distractions. It is a sign that you need to slow down in life and alter your direction on where you are going. You have the power and strength to get through this and whatever else life throws at you.